Voter’s Choice Act

Your voice. Your choice!
Under the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA), you choose when, where and how you vote. Every active registered voter in San Diego County will automatically receive a ballot in the mail nearly a month before Election Day. Once you receive your ballot, you can return it:
- By mail
- At a secure Ballot Drop Box Location
- At a Vote Center near you

What is a Vote Center?
You can vote in person at any Vote Center in San Diego County. Some Vote Centers will be open for 11 days and all Vote Center locations will be open 4 days (1 day for special elections), including Election Day.
Vote Centers offer a full-service voting experience:
- Vote in-person or drop off an already voted mail ballot (sealed inside its return envelope)
- Use a touchscreen
ballot marking device to mark selections and print out your official
- All ballot marking devices are fully accessible allowing voters with disabilities to vote independently and privately
- Carry in the official ballot you receive in the mail, check in at the vote center, sign the electronic roster, and cast your official ballot free of its security return envelope
- If you made a mistake or lost your mail ballot, you can instead vote in person using a ballot marking device at any vote center
- Receive voting assistance, including assistance in multiple languages
- Register to vote or update your registration and vote on the same day
CID | California Voting Location Siting Tool (
Why the Change?
The County of San Diego Board of Supervisors directed the Registrar of Voters to transition to the Voter’s Choice Act model on October 19, 2021.
Public Notices & More
Election Administration Plan (EAP) 2023-2027
The Final Election Administration Plan (EAP) 2023-2027 has been approved by the Secretary of State.
Election Administration Plan (EAP) 2021-2023