Facts For Voters

Who can register to vote?
A person who is:
- A U.S. citizen
- A California resident
- At least 18 years old on or before the next election
- Not in state or federal prison for a felony conviction
- Not declared mentally incompetent by court action
Who may pre-register to vote?
A person who is:
- 16 or 17 years old
- Meets all the other requirements to vote
This person will be automatically registered to vote on his/her 18th birthday.
- When do I need to re-register?
I just moved to California, when can I vote?
- First, you must register to vote
- There is no waiting period for registering and voting in California
- If you need to register on Election Day or 14 days prior to Election Day, you may register conditionally, and then vote provisionally at the Registrar's office
- More information »
What is conditional voter registration?
If you did not register to vote by the 15-day registration deadline, you may conditionally register to vote and cast a provisional ballot.
- To do that, you must visit the Registrar of Voters office during the 14 days before the election or on Election Day or visit any vote center during the 10 days before the election or on Election Day.
- Once your voter registration is processed and we can confirm that you did not vote elsewhere in the state, your registration becomes active
- Then the provisional ballot you cast can be counted
- More information on conditional voter registration »
Do I have to register with a specific political party?
- No. You may mark a box that says, "No, I do not want to disclose a political party preference."
- You will then be registered as "No Party Preference" or "NPP."
- Please note: NPP voters may vote for any candidate in a presidential primary election except for the United States president, vice president or for members of a political party county central committee. Each political party will decide, before an election, whether NPP voters may vote for their presidential candidates
I did not vote in the last election. Do I need to re-register?
No. If your current address matches your registration address, you are still registered to vote.
You can check your registration here or call us at (858) 565-5800.
I don’t know if I’m registered. How do I find out?
You can check here or call the Registrar of Voters at (858) 565-5800.
I just moved, and I didn’t re-register yet
- You can update by re-registering here or by submitting a paper registration form. You will also find this form at the Registrar of Voters office, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), most libraries or city clerk offices
- You must completely fill out the new registration form
- If you have already given notice of your new address to the DMV or U.S. Postal Service, your voter registration will be automatically updated
- If you moved – within San Diego County – 14 days or fewer before an election, you may go to your old polling place, your new polling place or to the Registrar of Voters office to vote
- Where is the Registrar of Voters office?
Where can I get more information about the upcoming election?
When we are close to an upcoming election you may find significant information here »
Where can I find a map of my districts?
Find your districts on a map here >>
Why isn’t there a removable stub at the top of my ballot?
We have discontinued the practice of printing a removable stub at the top of your official ballot. Originally, the “ballot stub” served as documentation for an individual to show their employer as evidence of voting at the polls during work hours. For ballots received in the mail, the ballot stub was used to ensure you receive a ballot with the correct races, in the correct language, and was mailed with the correct inserts and envelope. This is now accomplished with the use of this instructional cover page. Therefore, the need for a ballot stub no longer exists.