FAQs for Candidates and Local Measures

- Please don’t rely solely on this information. You may receive more detailed information from your legal counsel or the Registrar of Voters (ROV) office
- Also you may check the Candidate’s Filing Guide, which is issued before each election
- Before each election the California Fair Political Practices Commission staff conducts a seminar on state and local campaign disclosure requirements. Please check with them or us for date and location
- How do I get a statement in the Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet?
How do I comply with financial disclosure regulations?
Please refer to FAQs for Campaigns »
Is there someone I can call for more information?
Candidate Filing and Financial/Campaign Disclosure (858) 505-7260
Vote by Mail (858) 565-5800
Election Day & Night (858) 565-5800
Precincts/Polls (858) 565-5800
Voter Registration (858) 565-5800 -
May I pay the fees by credit card?
Yes, but there will be an additional 2.70% charge. Please call (858) 505-7260 for more information.
What is a Top Two Primary Election?
- In June 2010, California voters approved a change to the election process for congressional, statewide and state legislative contests
- Previously we voted for candidates from political parties and the top vote-getter from each of the parties advanced to the general election
- Under the new law, the two candidates who receive the most votes advance to the general election, regardless of party affiliation
- All voters may select any candidate in a primary election regardless of the voter's or candidate's party preference
- Now the top two candidates run against each other in the general election even if they are from the same political party
- This law does not affect the election of the U.S. President or county central committee offices.
Who else filed nomination documents for my race?
A list of candidates will be posted on this website daily beginning 110 days from the election.
How do I get a list of voters for a district?
Please refer to Voter Registration Data Application »