Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM)
Is the Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM) system for you?
RAVBM may be available to all voters, but its primary purpose is to allow voters with disabilities, who would otherwise rely on others to assist them in reading and marking their ballot to now be able to mark their ballot privately and independently using their own assistive technology at home. It does NOT mean online voting or submitting your ballot online.
The RAVBM system works by sending an email with a link to the email address provided by the voter. The voter can then download the ballot, mark their selections, print their ballot and mail it to the Registrar’s office to be counted. Unlike your preprinted mail ballot which will arrive with your return envelope, the process to cast your RAVBM ballot requires the use of a printer and must be mailed, using your own envelope and the mail template provided in your RAVBM instructions, to the Registrar’s office or dropped off at any official ballot drop box location.
To proceed with your request for an RAVBM ballot, please enter the information requested below.
Enter your voter information to find the active ballot(s) for
elections you are eligible to vote in.
Note: RAVBM ballot
requests can only be made for active ballots.