Remote Accessible Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM)
- Any voter may request and receive access to a Remote Accessible Vote by Mail System
- Commonly used by voters with a disability or voters deployed overseas serving in the military
- Allows a voter to download a ballot on a personal computer and mark it privately and independently using their own assistive technology
- After marking their ballot, the voter will have an option to review their choices
- After reviewing, the voter will print and return their ballot using the printable envelope template included in their RAVBM instructions
- Like any mail ballot, RAVBM ballots must be sealed inside an envelope, signed, and returned by mail or at any Voter Center or Ballot Drop Box
- Remote Accessible Vote by Mail Disability Rights California PSA
Questions? Call (858) 565-5800, toll-free at (800) 696-0136 or refer to How To Vote By Mail